23rd January 2018
On Monday 22nd January, FKG Group Managing Director Nick Gardner was delighted to join the Hon Annastacia Palaszcuk MP Premier of Queensland, the Hon Grace Grace MP (Minister for Education and Industrial Relations) and Linus Power MP on their visit to mark the first day of classes at Yarrabilba State School.
Facilities at the new school constructed by the FKG Group, include 24 classrooms, a music centre, technology centre, multipurpose hall and science discovery centre as well as general learning areas, administration blocks and a canteen.
The commencement of the 2018 school year also saw the FKG Group construction team celebrate the completion of two other major education projects – Baringa State Primary School and Picnic Creek State School with both schools welcoming a crowd of students on Monday morning, eager to commence Term One.
As schools across Queensland started back for 2015, students from four schools were treated to brand new educational facilities constructed by the FKG Group. ...
In 2014 the FKG Group were engaged by the Department of Education, Training and Employment to complete Stage 1 of the Highfields State Secondary College, valued...